Cat in the alley
Try editing these files for yourself
you can also use them wherever you want, royalty free
Here is a test where you can see the effect of before / after applying two step upscaling from an image in 480 x 360 to 1920 x 1440. The before is showcased with basic pixel interpolation. The improvement of AI over simple interpolation algorithm is clear, with less blur and more details, without introducing much noise or artifacts.
With Yayoi-JS, using an average 2018 core i5 laptop with intel GPU, it took approximatively 28 seconds to double the size from 480 x 360 to 960 x 720 and 85 seconds to upscale to 1920x1440.
Delphes, Greece
AI (Artificial Intelligence) based upscalers in your web browser
This article will show you some publicly available AI project to enhance an image resolution, for free at no cost (except your own hardware).